Tuesday 30 March 2010

Two great friends

Have you ever coveted your neighbour's plants...well yes I have and I own up to it freely. My friend Paula had some gorgeous pink violets growing in her turf besides her drive in Milton Keynes and year after year I looked at them and wanted a root to plant in my own garden. Last autumn my wish came true and Paula gave me a generous root ball and I split it up and planted several groups. This year they have flowered wonderfully.

Another friend, Jennie, came to visit from Sydney bringing three other really good friends of hers as well. It was a sunny clear afternoon and we had an animated walk around the garden, talking publishing of one form or another, and then settled down to afternoon tea. This comprised a delicious violet liqueur Fizz, loads of smoked salmon and asparagus pinwheels, and a large slice of chocolate cake. The cake was soaked with the violet liqueur and topped with a frosting of cream cheese, icing sugar and crystalised violets; but not just any crystalised violets. These were white, purple and yes pink violets! What a treat and what a lovely way to catch up with a very dear friend.

A wholehearted thank you to Paula and Jennie.