Friday, 1 April 2011

Spring Clean and The end of an Era

All change! Our French garden which was planted 17 years ago was once a joy but box blight has ravaged the central parterres. So at dawn on Tuesday the dreaded moment arrived and out came the box; so too the hornbeam towers. Fastigiate yew will replace them without the need for trimming twice a year, while lavender will replace the central box on either side of the path. It is a warm, sheltered spot and the lavender will be good for the bees, good for my cakes and will still provide a little French influence.
Elsewhere in the garden ceanothus, buddleja globosa, cistus and solanum glasnevin have all fallen pray to the winter weather. Its a great shame because we are very fond of them all. I just can't imagine May without the glorious blue of Ceanothus so hopefully my replacements will do well.

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